Executive & Business Coaching

Based on the Life Is Rich Expert System, this coaching program provides a structured framework to support Mid-to-Senior Level Leaders in achieving their goals, overcoming challenges, and maximizing their potential. It incorporates regular accountability and progress sessions to ensure consistent growth and development throughout the engagement. The program can be tailored based on the specific needs, goals, and budget of each client. Spots are limited.


Are you a mid to senior-level leader who's ready to take your career to the next level? Do you crave clarity, guidance, and personalized support to help you achieve your goals? Look no further than Nate Scott's executive and business coaching program.

Designed specifically for successful professionals who are committed to personal growth and entrepreneurship, Nate's coaching plan offers a principle-centered, Biblically-based approach to achieving lasting wealth and success. Nate draws on his extensive experience as an executive and business coach, as well as his own personal journey of growth and self-discovery, to empower you to unlock your full potential.

Over the course of a year, you'll receive a detailed quarterly executive and business coaching plan that highlights the following areas:

Quarter 1: Vision and Goal Setting

In this quarter, Nate guides you in crafting a powerful vision statement, setting goals that align with your values and purpose, and developing an action plan to achieve them.

Quarter 2: Leadership Development

As a mid to senior-level leader, you know that effective leadership is essential to achieve success. Nate tailors this quarter to help you enhance your leadership skills, build on your strengths, and overcome any challenges you may face in leading your team.

Quarter 3: Financial Planning and Strategy

Financial planning and strategy are crucial elements to achieving lasting wealth and success. In this quarter, Nate provides guidance on financial planning, budgeting, cash flow management, and developing effective business strategies to drive sustainable growth.

Quarter 4: Personal Development and Self-Mastery

Lastly, Nate focuses on personal development and self-mastery. Building on the insights and growth achieved in the previous quarters, this quarter focuses on helping you cultivate a mindset of growth, resilience, and inner strength. You'll develop tools and resources to help you navigate personal and professional transitions with grace and purpose, building a truly fulfilling life.

Throughout the year, Nate provides compassionate support, accountability, and guidance to help you achieve your goals. His principle-centered, Biblically-based approach ensures that you grow in both your personal and professional life, creating a holistic approach that values balance, purpose, and fullness in all aspects of your life.

Note: In between coaching sessions, the client will have access to text and email support for any urgent questions or clarifications.

Don't wait to unlock your full potential. Invest in Nate Scott's executive and business coaching program to achieve lasting wealth and success, powered by faith and guided by Nate's unwavering commitment to service and personal growth.

Executive and Business Coaching Agreement and Investment 

4-Weeks: $1,997 Member
3-Months: $6,997
6-months: $9,997
1 Year / 12 months: $19,997

Our regular price for the 4 Week Intensive is $4,997 USD, but in 2024, we are offering this at a starting price of $1,997 USD for Life Is Rich members until our list fills up. You must be a Life Is Rich membership subscriber to participate. 

Not a member yet? Not a problem – you can sign up and be a Life Is Rich member here.

1.  You can put it on your credit card, borrow it from your home equity, borrow it from your savings, borrow it from a private investor, or borrow it from your retirement plan and pay it back when you apply what you learn to save money and make money.

2.  We have a finance company who will finance the balance for you as long as your credit score is 580 or above and you can verify income to support the payments.  * The monthly payments range from great to average credit. Challenged credit will have higher monthly payments. Loans from $1K to $3K based on 24 month terms. Loans $4K and above based on 48 month terms. Actual monthly payments may be lower or higher depending on your credit profile. For example purposes only.* 



What People Are Saying:

Andrea C.
Johnson Newman

Independent National Sales Director
Mary Kay, Inc

"I wanted to help women to increase their income and their level of joy, but I didn’t quite know how to do that. Nate helped me to see my value outside of the company I was with by teaching me to understand how I AM THE ASSET.

Nate has mastered the art of listening. He listened intently to the problem and goal I wanted to achieve, and he customized a plan for me to create lasting solutions. My personal joy levels have increased exponentially as I am helping people to increase their income while at the same time creating real residual income for my family."

Carlos Gil

Co-Founder/Owner - The Hype Section
Experienced Social Media Marketing Professional With Over 10 Years of Success for Fortune 500 Companies

"I previously hired Mr. Nate Scott to speak at a series of job fairs/career expo’s hosted by my company. Nate is without a doubt a subject matter expert and champion in the arena of professional development and coaching. He provided tangible insights with sincerity and held the audience's attention. Nate has tremendous energy and a command presence and exceeded the results that I had expected. This was evidenced by the number of participants that followed him into the hallway with additional questions. Now I know to allocate more time the next time I hire Nate. I highly recommend that your organization hire Nate Scott as a Keynote Speaker for trade shows, conferences, corporate events and consulting opportunities."

Judi Lento, BSH, FACMPE

Imagen Tech

"The outcome Nate Scott delivered was teaching me to think differently.

Although I felt rewarded in my career, I was stuck in my consulting mindset. With Nate as my coach, I learned a new way to value my skills. As a result, I enhanced my ability to offer more, push harder, and possibly reap the benefits of my service long after I’m gone.

Nate looked at how I was paid in my consulting role. He didn't say I was paid poorly, however, he taught me how to get paid based on a percentage of the improved bottom line my knowledge and expertise provides."

Victoria L. Woods

Chief Investment Advisor to Millionaires

"My ask was for you to address "Luxury Branding," adding your unique perspective for my firm's team members. You delivered above and beyond.

As one team member said, "Nate Scott gives you ideas, directions, and actions to take to help you grow personally and professionally."

Derek Lott

Executive Director Retail Center of Excellence

"I reached out to Nate to help us with our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Virtual Lunch team meeting. We wanted to have someone come in for Veterans day to speak to our team. As a keynote speaker/discussion facilitator Nate did his homework on our organization, digging into the mission of our team and tailoring his message to deliver valuable insights and guidance.

Nate's principled-centered leadership puts the audience at the center of his focus and engages them and challenges their thinking. Thinking differently is critical as you transform any organization and that comes through in his presentation."

Liz Flores, HR-SPHR

Chair - Professionals In Human
Resources Association

"As a business owner, I needed someone with the expertise and one who understood the dynamics of business growth; "taking your business to the next level", as they say.
I explained to Nate the need to restrategize my business plan and get more clientele to my door.

The "out of the box" recommendations and strategies he offered through his services have reaped the results I was expecting. Nate's extensive background as a Passion Coach & Lifestyle Design Strategist also has enhanced other areas where I have become a better leader and business professional."